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6 Commonly known as "medium" It shall in both cases be free from fine off [[strikethrough]] grate [[/strikethrough]] grade dust, and shall contain no dirt or clay. It shall be crystal white, sharp angular and must pass the customary test for cleanliness such as "glass of water test" It must be free from all vegetable matter, and to attain this end it must be thoroughly washed before use. Note In [[strikethrough]] case [[/strikethrough]] the event that sand is used it shall be [[strikethrough]] ? as [[/ strikethrough]]#3 washed river sand for both scrath [[strikethrough]] in all cases above. [[/strikethrough]] and brown coats It shall [[strikethrough]] also [[/strikethrough]] otherwise satisfy all specifications of cleanliness etc [[strikethrough]] as above [[/strikethrough]] as for marble dust. Portland cement shall be atlas white, stainless Hair shall be of 2 grades, long and short. Both shall be strong clean and free from grease. It shall be disentangled in distilled water the day before use and shall not be mixed with mortar