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8 Scratch Coat is to consist of 1 1/2 parts rough sand [[strikethrough]]?[[/strikethrough]] or [[strikethrough]] 1 1/2 [[/strikethrough]] parts rough marble dust 1 part of lime 1 part Port. cement and sufficient long hair to thoroughly bind. Hair shall be well mixed in and shall pass the common test for sufficiency. This coat shall barely cover the lathing and shall be well and regularly scratched and then allowed to dry for 3 days. Note Hair mortar partially set shall not be [[strikethrough]] l [[/strikethrough]] retempered and used; only enough [[strikethrough]]sha [[/strikethrough]] for the days work shall [[strikethrough]] m [[/strikethrough]] be prepared. The plaster shall have the priveledge of varying slightly the proportions of lime cement and aggregate where the need presents itself.