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NOTE:  All holes bored in channels subsequent to galvanizing or furring members with exposed unstable parts,due to cutting, etc., shall be painted at the edges with undiluted asphaltum paint.

LEVELING:  Wire lathe shall be applied tight, flat and well stretched. Furring, lathing, etc., shall be thoroughly leveled, plumb and rigid, leaving all surfaces in proper condition to receive the plaster.

NOTE:  No deviation from a plane surface shall be allowed to stand.


LIME  Shall be high calcium and wood burned, low in impurities such as magnesia, alumina and silica, and devoid of such impurities as iron oxide and sulphur. Lime shall be slaked for a period of not less than 4 months for plastering done under these specifications.

NOTE:  Mr. Shahn will furnish addresses of persons handling such lime. In the event that such lime is not available address of firm producing a suitable hydrate will be furnished. Said hydrate shall be reduced to a putty and allowed to stand at least 2 weeks before use. 

MARBLE DUST  used in the scratch coat shall be a mixture of grade #I6 and #I8, commonly known as "rough". Marble dust used in the two brown coats shall be grade #I8, commonly known as "medium". It shall in both cases be free from fine off-grade dust, and shall contain no dust or clay. It shall be crystal white, sharp, angular, and must pass the customary tests for clenliness, such as the "glass of water". It must be free from all vegetable matter, to assure which it must be thoroughly washed before use.

NOTE:  In the event that sand [[strikethrough]] shall [[/strikethrough]] be used, it shall be #3 washed river sand for both scratch and brown coats. It shall in all respects fulfill the specifications for cleanliness required of marble dust.

[[strikethrough]] PORTLAND [[/strikethrough]] CEMENT  shall be Atlas white, and stainless.

HAIR [[strikethrough]] SHALL BE OF [[/strikethrough]] shall be of 2 grades - long, and short. Both grades shall be strong, clean and free from grease. Hair shall be disentangled in distilled water the day before use, and shall be mixed with mortar only unpon commencement of work.

WATER  used in all the operations under these specifications shall have been distilled, excepting that used in wetting down the wall. This shall be reasonably free from [[strikethrough]] such [[/strikethrough]] impurities [[strikethrough]] as [[/strikethrough]] such as iron and soluable salts.