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NOTE: As little water as possible shall be added in mixing the lime putty, and to the mortar in subsequent tempering for all plasteringvoperations. Mortar shall be applied as dry as possible, and shall have been thoroughly mixed and well beaten. 

THESCRATCH COAT shall consist of: I1/2 parts rough sand(or, rough marble dust)
I part lime
I part Portland cement
Long hair, of sufficient quantity to assure binding. Hair shall be well mixed into the plaster and shall pass the common test for sufficiency. This coat shall barely cover the lathing, shall be well and regularly scratched and shall be allowed to dry for three days. 

NOTE: Hair mortar partially set, may not be retempered and used. Only enough shall be prepared each day for that day's work. The plasterer shall have the priveledge of varying slightly the proportions of lime cement and aggregate when the need presents itself. 

THE BROWN COAT shall consist of: 2 parts rough sand(or medium sized marble dust)
I part lime   jyuii
Enough short hair to assure binding. Before application of the brown coat, the scratch coat shall be well wetted down. The first brown coat shall be about half the thickness of the remaining distance to be plastered under these specifications. (3/8") It shall be brought to a level plane surface by the use of the floating rule, plumb, etc., with particular attention given to corners. It shall be rubbed, floated, and worked before the final drying. It shall then be regularly scratched, and allowed to dry for one week. 

NOTE: The Darby shall not substitute for the floating rule on any operation. All precaution against the occur-rance of cracks (due to lack of sufficient working and floating, or to any other cause) shall be taken. The above coat shall be applied with as much pressure as the fur-ring will allow. 

THE SECOND BROWN COAT shall contain identical proportions and materials, etc., [redacted] but shall have no hair. The first brown coat shall be wetted down thoroughly before the application of the second. This shall be brought to a perfectly level plane surface with the aid of screeds, which shall be placed horizontally at a distance of six feet, and vertically at a distance of 4 feet. This coat shall be applied with as much pressure as the furring will allow. It shall be rubbed, worked and [redacted] hand floated with a cork float before its final drying [redacted] This last surface [redacted] shall not be too fine, but should be in good condition for receiving the final coats. 

NOTE: Every precaution shall be taken to avoid cracks. No deviation from a plane surface shall be allowed to stand. 

THE FINAL COATS will be applied by the painter  from day to day as the painting progresses. The painter will provide a supply of medium sized sand(or marble dust), and lime of the above [redacted] description.