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TERRY DINTENFASS, INC. 18 east 67th st. · new york, n.y. 10021 · rhinelander 4-1580

5 November 1971

Dear Jake:

Enclosed are your last two statements.

One of your most recent "builders" has gone to the Weatherspoon Art Gallery in North Carolina for their "Art on Paper" exhibition and we hope the Whitney will take one of the new gouaches for their annual, but they haven't made any final decisions yet.

Your friend, Mr. Andreae said that the printing of the original graphics and posters is still in the process and asks that we be patient. The reproductions of the posters will be available in the spring of 1972.

You really sounded great in your last letter - Seattle must agree with you and Gwen. That's terrific!

The French television people were here last week and took transparencies of several of your paintings we assembled together for them. They will be interspersed with the film they took earlier in the year. It's not known at this time just when the documentary will be shown in France. We requested [[strikethrough]] for [[/strikethrough]] a print of the film.

I agree with you about artists and assuming or not assuming expenses for out-of-town shows. We did not send anything to the Cleveland show. 

We are all fine and send our best regards to you and Gwen.

Luise Ross


Mr. Jacob Lawrence
4316 37 Ave., NE
Seattle, Wash.