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Eastern Press, Inc.
P.O. Box 1650
New Haven, Conn.
Area Code 204-777-2353

Invoice No. 17247
Date May 20, 1964

Sold to
Stable Gallery
33 E. 74th Street
New York, N.Y.

[[4 column tablet]
|Your Order No.|Shipped via|Our order No.|Terms:|
|              |           |9688         | Net 30 days|
[[5 column table]]
|Quantity|Description|Unit Price|Amount|Total|
|300|Virgil Thomson Concert Program|    |    |    |
|   |Stock & printing|Per Quote|35.00|    |
|   |Typesetting & Paste Up|     |70.00|    |
|   |(Per Spec. from Mr. Green)|     |    |    |
|   |Proof & Phone Calls|    | 15.00|    |
|   |Delivery to New York|    |8.00|    |
|   |    |    |    |128.00|

|   |Paid 5/23/64|    |    |    |