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Milwaukee Art Center, 750 N. Lincoln Memorial Drive, Milwaukee 2, Wisconsin, Broadway 1-9508

January 13, 1965

Mr. Allan Groh
Stable Gallery
33 East 74th Street
New York, New York

Dear Allan:

I suppose that first of all I should render my most abject apologies for not stopping by on that Friday in December when I promised to do so. You will remember that it rained, and my whole schedule went awry. I really do want to speak to you, however, and I will get in touch with you when I am back in town during the last week in January.

Meanwhile, we do have a pop show to think about, and I will be very happy to have a Robert Indiana painting selected by the gallery. I am confident that I can rely upon your good judgment and your awareness of the importance of the exhibition to provide a good, characteristic and sizeable work by him. I believe that my earlier communication with you indicated that we would like to have two paintings. The recent development of our exhibition has been such that one will probably be sufficient. I'm sure this will be more convenient to you but it makes it even more necessary that the work selected be a highly characteristic one. 

Perhaps we can discuss this further later in the month, but meanwhile we will definitely count on an Indiana from the gallery. 

Again sorry I was not as good as my word, and I am

Tracy Atkinson 


Formerly Milwaukee Art Institute and The Layton Art Gallery