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Art Association of Indianapolis
Herron Museum of Art  Herron School of Art
110 East Sixteenth Street Indianapolis 2, Indiana Walnut 6-5481

November 30, 1965

Mr. Alan Groh
The Stable Gallery
33 East 74th Street
New York, New York


We have today forwarded to the Morgan Manhattan Storage Co., Inc., 1411 Third Avenue, New York City, a list of the paintings and sculptures they are to pick up for our January exhibition, "Painting and Sculpture Today." This list includes the following from your gallery:

U.S.A. 666 by Robert Indiana
Sincerely yours,
Wilbur D. Peat

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Wilbur D. Peat
Director of the Museum

Donald M. Mattison
Director of the School

William Glosser


Herman C. Krannert
Chairman of the Board

Eli Lilly
Vice Chairman

John G. Rauch

Henry F. DeBoest

Miss Blanche Stillson

Mrs. Frank C. Springer, Jr.

Clarence F. Elbert


Robert Ashby
Mrs. G. H. A. Clowes
Henry F. DeBoest
Harrison Eiteljorg
Clarence F. Elbert
Mrs. Robert W. Greenleaf
Theodore B. Griffith
Mrs. A. W. S. Herrington
Herman C. Krannert
Mrs. Fisk Landers
Eli Lilly
Clarence W. Long
Elijah B. Martindale
Edward B. Newill
Nicholas H. Noyes
Kurt F. Pantzer
John G. Rauch
Thomas T. Solley
Miklos Sperling
Mrs. Frank C. Springer, Jr.
Miss Blanche Stillson
Mrs. Erwin C. Stout
Sarkes Tarzian
Earl C. Townsend, Jr.
Evans Woollen III

Representing the Board 
of School Commisioners
Mrs. Ralph B. Cable
Theodore VanVoorhees

Representing the
City of Indianapolis
Theodore L. Steele
Mrs. Harry V. Wade

Representing the
Herron Museum Alliance
Mrs. Joseph A. Miner, Jr.
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