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The production of "The Death Dance" is noteworthy in several respects. It adds another play to the series of race plays written by students of the University and produced entirely by them. In this manner THE HOWARD PLAYERS aim to lay the foundations of a Negro Drama which shall find expression in a Negro Theatre.

Through the generous cooperation of the officials of the Smithsonian Institution practically all of the properties used in this performance have been borrowed from the remarkable exhibit of the civilization of Africa in the National Museum, collected by Herbert Ward. The University is particularly appreciative of the courtesies extended it by Mr. W. de C. Ravenel and Dr. Hough.

The costumes and scenery used in these plays are the work of the Players in their Workshop.

THE HOWARD PLAYERS are establishing a fund for the building of a LITTLE THEATRE on the University Campus as a home for Negro Drama. Your active interest and assistance is invited.

We are very grateful for the notable contributions to the production of "The Death Dance" by Mr. Victor Kerney, who in addition to arranging and composing the music for the play assisted materially in its direction.

Thanks are due also Mr. Welk of the Navy Band and Mr. Thomas for their helpful cooperation.

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