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TAMARIND LITHOGRAPHY WORKSHOP, INC. 1112 N. Tamarind Avenue, Los Angeles 38, California July 23, 1963 Miss Louise Nevelson 29 Spring Street New York, New York Dear Louise: With this I am enclosing the bill from the firm that shipped your prints. As you see, it came to a total of $122.84 which we have paid. To this amount of $122.84 I have added $70 for the additional ten prints of your edition #830A, and filled in the blank check, that you, trustingly, left with me, for the sum of $192.84. Incidentally, in case you are keeping track of such matters, your check was numbered 342. And this brings us to the end of our business transaction! I hope this finds you well and reasonably happy, and in the mood to send us a line. Much love, [[signature]] Susan [[/signature]] Susan Jonas SJ: mos P. S. Incidentally, could you check with your lawyer and have him send us your social security number. Thanks. a non-profit organization devoted to the stimulation and preservation of the art of the lithograph