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[[image]] IRWIN HOLLANDER, printer-fellow at the Tamarind Workshop from September 1961 -

[[image]] BOHUSLAV HORAK, artist, master-printer, and Technical Director of the Tamarind Workshop from July 1961 thru June 1963.

[[image]] HAROLD EMERSON KEELER, artist and printer-fellow at the Tamarind Workshop from August 1, 1961 - January 31, 1962, now living in Seattle.

[[image]] ARIS KOUTROULIS, artist and printer-fellow at the Tamarind Workshop from April 8, 1963 -

[[image]] JASON LEESE, artist and printer-fellow at the Tamarind Workshop from January 1963 -

[[image]] GEORGE MIYASAKI, artist and printer-fellow at the Tamarind Workshop from August 14 - September 15, 1961. He now teaches at the California College of Arts and Crafts at Oakland.

[[image]] JOHN MUENCH, artist and printer-fellow at the Tamarind Workshop from June 8 - July 24, 1961, now Director of the School of Fine and Applied Art, Portland, Maine.

[[image]] DONALD ROBERTS, artist and printer-fellow at the Tamarind Workshop, September - November 1962, and a faculty member of the College of Fine Arts, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio.

[[image]] JOHN ROCK, artist and printer-fellow at the Tamarind Workshop from November 15, 1962 - March 15, 1963. He is on the art faculty of Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon.