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Definition of Chops (3)

[[image]]EMILIANO SORINI, artist and printer-fellow at the Tamarind Workshop from September 15 - December 15, 1961. He lives in New York City.

[[image]]JUNE WAYNE, artist and founder of Tamarind Workshop, has used this symbol as her chop since 1950. It appears on all her prints and drawings.

[[image]]EMIL WEDDIGE, artist and printer-fellow at the Tamarind Workshop from June 15 - August 15, 1962. He is Professor of Art at the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor.

[[image]]JOE ZIRKER, artist and printer-fellow at the Tamarind Workshop, January 1962 - April 1963. He is now associated with Kanthos Press, 39 N. Venice Boulevard, Venice, California, as Master Printer.

This list will be supplemented periodically.