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1112 N. Tamarind Avenue Los Angeles 38, California


Tamarind Lithography Workshop Inc. is pleased to offer fellowships through its Panel of Selection so that American artists may produce works of excellence in lithography. Artists thus invited will have the unique opportunity to create their prints in a facility dedicated to their needs.

Tamarind Fellowships provide transportation, grants-in-aid, the services of a highly qualified staff to provide printing and such technical advice as the artist might seek, the finest of handmade papers, all materials, and workspace. There will be no limitation on the artist's esthetic. 

A full statement of conditions governing the signing, numbering, recording and limiting of editions, as well as general workshop policies will be supplied to each artist upon receipt of a fellowship.

The lithographs produced at Tamarind will become the property of the artist-fellow with the exception of the printer's proof (to be the property of the collaborating printer), and nine additional impressions to be known as TAMARIND IMPRESSIONS, which will form complete folios. Tamarind folios will be used for documentation and exhibition. Some may be sold intact to major collections for the benefit of the Workshop should the considerable cost of providing editions to the artists without charge prove more expensive than is now anticipated.

Eligibility: All artists who are permanent residents of the United States are eligible for appointment as fellows.

Issuance of Fellowships: Fellowships are issued by invitation of the Board of Directors acting on nominations by the Panel of Selection of the Workshop. No direct applications will be received.

Length of Appointments: Appointments are for a minimum of two months. Extensions may be granted at the discretion of the Board of Directors. 

- a non-profit organization devoted to the stimulation and preservation of the art of the lithograph -