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TAMARIND LITHIGRAPHY WORKSHOP, INC. 1112 N. Tamarind Avenue Los Angeles 38, California REVISED - Oct. 4, 1962 DETAILS OF FELLOWSHIPS Tamarind Lithography Workshop, Inc. was founded to stimulate the production of original lithographs under conditions that fulfill the highest esthetic and ethical traditions. To Some who read them, the following policies governing the printing of editions in the Workshop may seem needlessly detailed. But to those familiar with the malpractices all too common in the past and present, their purpose will be evident. Artists accepting fellowships in the Workshop will be asked to agree to these policies and shop rules. 1. The Workshop will cooperate with the experiments and esthetic demands of its fellows, and will bend its full efforts to their wishes. Fellows are entitled to the use of the facilities of the Workshop, including materials, services of Tamarind's Technical Director and his aides, and technical aid from the Associate Director and Director if needed, as itemized herewith: (a) Preparation of stones and metal plates in such numbers as are required by the fellow for the execution of his work. (b) As much opportunity to correct as the artist feels is needed to accomplish his esthetic, and as many openings and closings of stones or plates as may be needed (within the technical limitations of the process). 2. Fellows will grant the Workshop the right to pull nine (9) TAMARIND IMPRESSIONS. These impressions (part of the basic edition as outlined in paragraph 16) will be signed by artist and printer in a manner consistent with the total edition, and will become part of 9 complete folios of the technical accomplishment of the Workshop lifespan. Six such complete folios are sold intact to six major collectors in the United States. The remaining three are retained by the Workshop for exhibition purposes and for daily technical reference in the shop. The sale of folios of TAMARIND IMPRESSIONS accrue to the benefit of the Workshop and its total goal. Funds so raised replace the substantial quantities of great papers and other unique supplies otherwise unprovided for in the Workshop budget. Such funds also have allowed Tamarind to make more grants than would have been the case otherwise. 3. After the artist has drawn his print and the printer has pulled a proof satisfactory to the artist, the printer shall pull a perfect impression on the handmade paper on which the edition is to be printed. The artist then shall write "Bon à Tirer" in the lower left hand corner of the impression, or wherever the artist elects if the lower left corner is not feasible. This impression shall serve as the standard by which the edition shall be printed. This Bon à Tirer later shall be marked PRINTER'S PROOF and is the impression that becomes the property of the printer.)