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Mr. Tony Smith -2- April 6, 1978

strong preference that your talk be given beside The Gracehoper and that flexibility be built in arrangements so that the weather not interfere with this; and (3) that you have access to move about The Gracehoper and lecture informally. 

With regard to your flight plans, I should mention at this time our present plan to avoid a rain date, but to counter rainy weather or wet grounds by having alternative seating in the North Court of the Institute and should we have to eat inside, we would go outside during a good break in the weather. This is based on the reason that if we have continuous rain on Saturday, the grounds would probably be too wet for a pic on Sunday. I hasten to add that we generally enjoy fine weather that time of the year and all of the recently planted cherry trees on the Institute grounds should be in full bloom.

Again, we do plan to submit to you for your approval more detailed arrangements within the next two weeks. In the meantime, should you want to reach me, please feel free to call me collect at work (313) 963-6420 or at home (313) 821-3543. 

We very much look forward to your visit.

Yours very truly, 

David Olmstead 
David Olmstead
