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36 East 75th Street, New York, New York 10021
Tel. 212 535-3980  Cables: Fourcadart, New York

December 7, 1984

Ms. Suzanne Hilberry
Hilberry Gallery
555 South Woodward
Birmingham, Michigan 48011

Dear Suzanne,

I would like to thank you very much for the information you gave me concerning the works of Tony Smith which you have had on consignment or sold, as it is a great help to us to straighten the Tony Smith estate.

I want to confirm the terms of our conversation.

I understand that you have had on consignment from Droll Kolbert one Throwback, one Equinox, one Throne, one Source, one Black Box and one Moondog, none of them were sold, and all of them were returned to Droll Kolbert.

You also had on consignment from Droll Kolbert, and sold, the following pieces: three copies of the small bronze of The Snake is Out, #3, #6, and #9; one copy of Duck, #1.

You also bought from Droll Kolbert one copy of the small bronze of New Piece, #1, which you still own and which is for sale in your gallery for $40,000.

You also had on consignment from Droll Kolbert one copy of Beardwig, #2/6, which has remained with you ever since your exhibition in 1977.

This letter is to state that this copy is of course the property of Jane Smith. I want you to remove the piece from sale for the time being, and I shall write to you very shortly concerning the price we want to ask for it, and what your commission will be.

With best regards,

Sincerely Yours,
Xavier Fourcade

cc:Jane Smith