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A quaint old town it was with the little old brick building bowled up close to the street like so many orderly soldiers towing a line and the little blinking windows with their heavy wooden shutters - The more modern portions of the town displayed more taste and Eligance - the old collage buildings looked quaint enough to be sure but the new church was a finer specimen of architecture (perpendicular gothic) than I have ever seen - The rich red harvest moon rode up out of a bank a gray and pink mist as we changed the direction of our steps towards home - if such a name can be applied to the miserabl Franklin House.  Mother soon after retired and as the moon shone brightly over the lake and searched up a boat house and hired a boat for a row - The cool evening breeze - a fine boat upon the moon lit waters of that charming lake was 

well calculated to give one a pleasant hour and I spent some time on the Silver bosom of the most picturesque lake in the United States - The following morning we took the little steamer for Watkins and for forty miles viewed the unchanging scenery of that unequaled landscape- At W- the best hotel was worse than nothing and our stay there only extended over one day - The Glen - a rift in the hill of an average depth of 200 feet extends upwards of 2 miles the scenery is grand in the extreme and full of picturesque spots  - I traversd the entire length a portion with Mother the remainder alone.  The Hotel on the Clif a species of Swiss Schaley I regretted not stopping at.  We & some very pleasant people there "Misery seeks company" a couple of young men from Philadelphia Marks Bros - and a Mrs G de Cordova from Brooklyn - thence we came directly up here - Where Charlie has spent a short time also with us- Cad

Transcription Notes:
Schaley is Chalet