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all combined to make the season one of the most happy in my remembrance. To be sure my Father had much to struggle against in his business and indebtedness to pay off caused by the fire, but his cares soon dissapated at the fire side of the old farm house and I derived a pleasure from my exertions to make him cheerful which nothing else would have given me. My pleasant circle of acquaintances opened for me a new sphere of life in the Society of my own age something which I have known little of here-to-fore and I found a lively naturalness about it which I have never see in older people. The summer closed with the marriage of Frank an affair in every way suited to our inclination and his happiness and when I saw him [[strikethrough]] hap [[/strikethrough]] comfortably settled in his own house I hailed the bright augury with pleasure- Then fresh and full of health I came down here to pursue my studies. I have worked hard, been promoted to the life schools and am in every way satisfied with my success. And now as the hands draw near twelve I thank God for my happiness and that of the dear members of my family- and my prayer for the New Year is that none may be darker than the one past and the motive of our exertions may be "to his glory" than with us be crowned with success- The ringing of Bells and the firing of cannon now resound through the air- The hour glass has turned and we enter the dawn of 1873-