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New York March 24th 73 Monday - 12 W 13th St
Hallo Here I am at it again- nearly three months have lapsed and I sit down to my table stronger and better than I did on New Years night. I have been blessed with most excellent health during the entire spring, no Rheumatism to speak of and plenty of energy and health to study which I have done and my progress has been marked. February 14th I got up early and dressed, the morning was sharp and cold but I was going up to Uncle Johns to breakfast taking a 6th Ave car I hastened up town; usually I have walked but this morning as I was a little late I rode. Blodget opened the door and there stood Charlie He and Mother had arrived the night before - Charlie came down and resided with me and we spent three very delightful weeks together Mother up at 522 we saw often- her elegant appearance was quite a visitation to

the folks up there who have a crowd of cousins constantly upon there hands of a far different sort- The morning of March 6th saw them leave for Oxford where Charlie shortly left Mother and returned home. Thursday continued steadily at work at the Academy in the Antique and Life Schools also a sketching class we have formed. I can not think of course of taking any prizes as there are so many of longer experience but I can feel satisfied with my progress as I think it has been steady and I am thankful that I am no genus- I have taken Codliver oil for the last two months and I think it has done me the greatest amount of good it is my spring of youth- During the past week Mr Kerport and Alice have been here and I have been showing Miss A the sights of N.Y. One week yesterday Fan was at the St Nicholas with a friend from Cleveland- circumstances have changed the aspect of things there during the past two months-