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his philanthropy had been kind enough to discover for them. That evening I went to church with Fannie. The following afternoon we drove together after "Billy" down to the Bouleuvarde and through the woods into a little path we had appropriated as "Ours" that evening I bade her good bye and on Wednesday she left Chicago for Europe sailing from N.Y. on the 18th. Tuesday I came back to the Farm and was soon engaged in hunting up four stray horses that had broken out of the field so I was on horseback a good share of my time for several days. I am in most excellent health and the out door exercise I take has made me quite tough and as dark as an Indian. I spend half my day studying and reading and employ my forenoons in the fields. I have totally neglected my Art Studies but the time is devoted to their intrest [[interest]] and I shall be able to endure good earnest work the coming winter and the French I am now devoting my self too will I hope be useful to me also this winter so you see I am only resting to renew my studies more vigorously than ever soon. We are all well and enjoy our country home altho the past weeks the weather has been excessively warm and our supply of musquters [[mosquitoes]] unusually large still in my old clothes I can seek refuge any where I please and indeed I have become so accustomed to the old comfortable rags that when I dressed and went up to the city yesterday I suffered more than I should had I spent the entire day hoeing corn. So I have become quite a country boy I am glad of it I only wish I had begun about ten years earlier-   

Transcription Notes:
A number of difficult words to read that need to be reviewed before hitting complete.