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Steamship "Italy" National Line Atlantic Ocean Friday Oct 24th 1873 P.M. 
Well this is indeed a change way off here on the bosom of old ocean seated in my little stateroom listening to the rumble of the machinery and the dash of the water as the sound comes through the open port above my head. What a change from the quiet farm house down among the oaks The 13th I bade farewell to the happy old nest and started on my wanderings - how I did hate to leave that happy home no one knows and I even now dread to think it makes me feel so sad. I have certainly learned one thing in my travels about this world and that is a fellow never knows how dear his home is to him until he leaves it and this has assisted in teaching me to love mine very tenderly - After many plans and expressions of regret (5 Bells) it was at last settled that I should leave on Monday night and sail the following Saturday. At first Charlie was coming down to N.Y. to see me off but finally that was given up as Mother would be to lonely after our departure and it was also an unnecessary expense. Father was but poorly situated as it was to start me but owing to the importance of my mission and my time being so valuable he did everything in his power to help me off though I know how hard a tug my leaving gave his heart strings. But the Noble self denied of Mother was a beautiful evidence of a most unselfish devotion to my my interests and the resolute way in which she aided me made me often feel how really great the sacrifice was to leave such a Mother and go out into the world. Yet I held to my purpose as strongly as I could knowing that it was a really necessary step if I wished to be successful in my profession though I can not but thing [think] the object a selfish one yet I also believe it the course Father and Mother in their minds pleased to have me take tho