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world the better, no use of any qualms at that late hour. Wednesday P.M. we are approaching Queenstown I have devoted my entire spare time to writing letters so my good journal has been neglected the trip has been a fair one neither very rough nor very smooth I can not but regret my neglect of my journal as there is a little that would have been of more interest here than any where else. I was only sick one day the first Monday, [[strikethrough]] evening [[/strikethrough]] also a little last Monday evening, the trip otherwise has been very good altho far from smooth- this morning I was delighted to see the the misty outline of Ireland and now we are running along by the rocky coast so I am anxious to be ondeck, I have had but little to do with my fellow passengers and only know the names of about a fourth of them I am known as "Chicago" we expect to reach Q-town by 6 oclock and Liverpool tomorrow afternoon I hope to have time to take up the story of my voyage where I left off but fear I will not Goodbye Ocean-

Paris Wednesday Dec 31st 1873- 9:30 P.M. Hotel de Saxe No 22 Rue Jacob 12
What little corks we all are, drifting about on this sea of life carried here by the breath of circumstances and there by an imagined wish that we shall improve our condition. The evening of the 30th day of Oct saw us enter the Mersy and end our voyage. While waiting at the custom house I arranged to engage a cab with a fellow passenger to the North Western Hotel he turned out to be Brick Pomeroy and we afterward became great friends continuing our entire journey to Britain. We spent Sunday & Monday the 2nd & 3rd in the quaint old city of Chester a more pleasant visit I never have made despite the constant rain and on Monday afternoon we returned to Liverpool starting for London the following morning where after a ride of about five hours we were landed and went directly to the address of Miss Denenlaine in Craven St remaining there the entire three weeks we were in that smoky metropolis- to tell how I spent my time there would of course be impossible but at any rate we enjoyed ourselves seeing some sights tho' not too many as the weather was