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H-on-H 11/24/38

Dear E.M.C.;-
The old-folks will be having a quiet Thanksgiving by themselves but it is one of the realest ones we ever had,- Corydon walked around a bit yesterday and they expect to turn him loose before long, loose to lie fallow until he can get back all that he has lost and make up a lot he was in arrears for many a moon past.

Yes, we still have a telephone,- that Zurfleih person is one of the breed that wants th' world to turn back when they want a bit of a job done and then kick if you dare to charge for what is due. I left word at home that any important word could be relayed via your place and his came through after I called you. Mrs. H- does not answer phone calls much when alone and we try to have someone here when I am out. Z- wanted one photo of a home in Hastings.
Hope you can get some time off to-day, anyway. L-
( OVER )

Dear B.A;-
After reading Mc.C's rough draft of what you wrote Moe,- (I take it as her style), - I am moved to say that, if you & I could hit the heart of the bulls-eye with our shots as often as she does with that facile pencil of hers, we would not be a-waiting until our gay nineties roll around for the long due recognition. If Uncle Moe doesn't respond to that kind of presentation he's surely lacking in what the old-timers in college used to call,- "Apperceptive basis " 'r-somethin'. Let's cross fingers and tell our beads until the decision is made.
( over )