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The Chicago Society of Artists, organized in 1888, was the first society of its kind in the city of Chicago. Its purpose has been to unite artists in fellowship and to combine their efforts in the advancement of art. During all this time the group has striven to maintain a high professional standard and to allow the individual artist freedom to work as he wished.

The word of the society reflects in no small measure the physical nature and social life that is Chicago in all its diversity.

Here, typically enough, the members represent different cultures and backgrounds. many to whom this city is now home spent their childhood in various parts of the world. Those artists in expressing what is so native to them have enriched Chicago art in a very real sense. Certainly that accounts for the fact that the total output of the society is not limited to so-called "regional art."

Always progressive and advanced and nationally known as a modern group, the Chicago Society of Artists has been the vanguard of artistic development in Chicago and the Middle West.

CLARA MacGOWAN, President
Department of Art Education,
National Education Society,
Chicago, Illinois