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George Adams moved that the resolution be adopted. Motion was seconded by D'Arcy McNickle.

Mr. McNickle explained that the money so subscribed would not become available until one hundred members had agreed to pay it in. The money would be used only to support the Washington Office.

When brought to a vote, Resolution No. 13 was adopted by a unanimous vote.

This completed the report of the committee. The resolution and platform committee was discharged by the chair with gratitude and appreciation for the work they had accomplished in presenting their resolutions.

Robert L. Bennett offered Resoultion No. 14 for consideration.


WHEREAS, in convention assembled in Santa Fe, New Mexico, December 4 to December 6, 1947 the NCAI approved a resolution which provides in part as follows:

"We insist that a qualified person thoroughly experienced with Indian affairs and willing to fight for the defense of Indian rights in cooperation with the Indian Tribes, should be appointed Commissioner of Indian Affairs and that such person should be an Indian himslef, and

WHEREAS, the NCAI believes that no person should be appointed as Commissioner without previous personal consultation by the appointing power with representative Indian leaders including the principal officers of various tribes and of National Congress of American Indians,

WHEREAS, it has come to the attention of the NCAI that a man has been selected for appointment to the position of Commissioner of Indian Affairs but said appointment is being delayed, and

WHEREAS, the long delay in filling the position of Commissioner of Indian Affairs has been damaging to the rights and interests of the Indians and to the functions and morale of the Indian Service and further continued delay will cause irreparable damage to the interests of over three hundred thousand Indian people,

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the officers of the NCAI are authorized to call upon the Secretary of the Interior requesting him to comply with the principles above stated and that these officers also consult with the Secretary as to the propriety of the appointment or appointments under consideration. 
