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Black Hills Council to arrange for ticket takers and sellers and to purchase tickets so that stubs can be tabulated for final auditing.

Charges to be made for seats in grand stand according to current prices.
Mayer sound system to be used for announcing dances and their meaning, etc.

This Chairman to be selected or appointed by the National Congress.
Full cooperation of Rapid City Journal and KOTA already solicited.

Out of Town Notables.
This list to be furnished
Publicity Chairman
Well in advance of the Conventio [[Convention]]

Reservation are to be handled by the Alex Johnson Hotel which will be Convention headquarters under the direction of Mr. Chew.
Mr. Chew is manager of the Alex Johnson and also Chairman of the Convention and Tourist Committees. This information should be sent out immediately to all organizations and reservations so that the number of rooms needed can be planned for well in advance.

This item to be handled by William Firethunder. All correspondence and contacts to be sent to Mr. Firethunder for his decision and use as he sees fit.

Black Hills Council reserves the right to take any film for their own use in recording the event for use in our Indian and Veteran hospitals in this area.

The All Indian bad is already organized for use in the dances for the visitors and Beauty Contest.

Floats in the parade should be reported to the Black Hills Council at an early date.