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Under the name of the National Congress of American Indians and the All-Pueblo Council, we in New Mexico have cooperated with other Indian tribes or groups. We have sent out telegrams in behalf of the Alaska natives, the Navajo, the Three Affiliated Tribes at Fort Berthold, and others. We are ready to help at all times. 

We want emancipation from poverty, from racial discrimination. But we do not want emancipation from our real estate. 

I have enjoyed the work of regional secretary very much, and I am looking forward to the great success of the National Congress of American Indians. 


The next regional secretary to be introduced was Mathew High Pine whose region included the Dakotas. 

MATHEW HIGH PINE: My work as regional secretary has not been very successful because of the face that it was difficult to sell the idea to the people in the area. I have tried to impress on the people that the National Congress of American Indians was an organization whose objective was to promote the common welfare of the American Indian. 

I have not been successful in getting tribes to participate as members. I have made continued attempts to have these people come into the organization. Some opposition was encountered on a few reservations because of their belief that the NCAI sought the immediate liquidation of the Indian Bureau. Such stories are incorrect without foundation. 

Although my time was limited between my work as secretary of the Oglala Sioux Council, and the work of regional secretary, I tried to do the best towards obtaining members. 


Mrs. Daphne Quay, regional secretary for the northern plains area in North Dakota was called on to report. 

Mrs. Quay reported that she had been busy in the North Dakota area during the past year, but it was a job that could also be helped along by the others. It was her thought that everyone solicit memberships for the NCAI if it was to continue as a progressive organization. 

She said she would continue working in behalf of the National Congress of American Indians. It was a very good organization and should be supported by all Indians. There still was much work to be done and it would require the cooperation of all.