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July 30, 1949.

Justice N. B. Johnson,
P.O. Box 3101,
State Capital Building,
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

Dear Justice Johnson:-

You remember that last year we invited certain Indian friends and organizations helping Indians to attend our convention as spectators. I think it has paid us dividends to do that, in the increased interest which some of the people has had in helping with Indian legislation, and in other ways. I should like to do the same thing again. The following are the groups I would like to invite, to send delegates or a representative.

Indian Rights Association
Association on American Indian Affairs,
D. A. R.
General Federation of Women's Clubs,
C. A. R. (Children of the American Revolution)
Methodist Church, Women's Society of Christian Service,
The Congregational Church, interracial relations,
The Friends Service Committee,
The Home Missions Council,
The Federal Counil of [[strikethrough]] Clurches [[/strikethrough]] Churches,
The National Fellowship of Indian Workers.
The New Mexico Association on Indian Affairs.
The United Council 66 Church Women.

All of these groups are interest in Indians and are in position to help us, and I think we need to cultivate their interest. I talked with Ben about asking them, and he thought it would be a good idea. But I want to get your approval before I do this. Can you answer me right away? The Congregational Church will end Galen Weaver who has done a lot for the Fort Berthold Indians, and perhaps will also send their interracial head, who is Galen Weaver's boss a Dr. Herman Long. Dr. Long happens to be a Negro. Do you think that we could take that in our stride, if he should come to one or two of the meetings? He is a fine person, and represents the [[strikethrough]] Church [[/strikethrough]] Church throughout the United States. Susan LaMotte might get upset to attend a meeting with a Negro present, but I think the rest of our delegates are sophisticated enough to handle the situation. I think it will mean help with some foundations for NCAI if we get these groups working for us, and this is the best way I know to arouse their active support. Let me know right away. The invitations should go out shortly. Did you send the Roger Baldwin letter?

Sincerely yours

Ruth M. Bronson