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Rapid City SD
March 10 1950
[[note]] note x on p2 [[/note]]
[[stamp]] March 14 1950 [[\stamp]]
Mrs Ruth m Bronson
1426 35th st NW
Washington, D.C. 
dear Mrs Bronson;
I am taking the pleasure in writing you a short letter in regard to a matter brought up for my explanation at our recent meeting with the Black Hills Council of American Indians.
As you may understand  Febr27th 1950 our president Eva J Nichols resigned her position due to the fact she now resides at Pierre Indian School, and her work here as President makes a hardship of this council to contact her when needed.
I have been elected President on the above date, to fill her office, and as stranded by some instances of her records left on file, I had no way of proving