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Office Asst Supt Sub. Dist Warren Franklinton
Jan 19th 1866

Evans Benjamin. Capt. 28th Mich & Asst Supt.
Requests a detail of two enlisted men for duty in the Sub Dist of Warren & Granville. 
Respectfully forwarded with the request that the detail be granted as Capt. Evans has no one to assist him.
Bureau of R.F. & AL Hd Qrs Central Dist. 
Raleigh N.C. Jan 20th  1866 Capt. U.S.V & Actg Supt. Central Dist.
Edwards L.C. Oxford Granville Co N.C. Jan. 18th 1866
Requests a copy of instructions to Asst. Supt in Granville & other counties and complains of trouble with the Bureau.
Col. Clapp will please furnish me with desired orders
This endorsement was not signed but is supposed to come from Gov. Worth as his son bought it and requested it to be returned to his office. Respectfully returned with the information that no instructions have been or can be given to Asst. Supt which will cover all such cases. In accordance with Circular No 11 War Dept. Bureau of R.F. and A.L. dated July 12th 1865 all such matters have been left optional with the office in charge of the Sub. District  
Bureau of R.F. and A.L. Hd. Qrs. Central Dist.
Raleigh N.C. Jan 20th 1866 Capt U.S. Vols & Act. Supt. Central Dist
Evans Benjamin. Capt. 28th Mich Vols & Asst Supt.  Raleigh N.C. Jan 21 1866.
Requests the arrest of Miss. Ball for the murder of James Thompson (Freedman)Facts set forth in accompanying affidavits 
Endsnt of Genl Ruger Commd'g Dept. of N.C. Respectfully referred to Col. E Whittlesey Asst. Commissioner for his remarks and to know if he has any further information on this case. Endnt of Col. E. Whittlesey Asst Com & c. Respectfully referred to Supt of Central District for report. Respectfully returned. I am in possession of no further facts than are embodied in the enclosed statement and affidavits
Bureau of R.F. and A.L. Hd. Qrs. Central Dist.
Raleigh Jan 24th Capt U.S. Vols and Actg Supt Central District