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Battys Lt. B.
Nashville N.C.
Feb 5th 1866
Makes complaint that the children of a negro woman names Viney have been wrongfully bound to Mr. Thos P Braxwell of Edgecombe Co. N.C.
Respectfully referred to Lieut Cox 20th V.R.C. & Asst Supt Sub. Dist of Tarboro who will investigate the case and report whether any fraud was practiced in obtaining the Apprenticeship of the children within referred to.
If not, the Indenture cannot be cancelled, but Mr. Braxwell will be required to maintain the mother and child until they can otherwise be provided for.
Bu. R.F. & AL Hd Qrs C Dist.
Raleigh Feb 1st 1866
Aquila Wiley
Major 8th V.R.C. and Supt Central Dist.

Fowler S.P. Jr.
Asst. Supt. (citizen)
Kanston N.C. Feb 9th 1866
Requests of Chaplain Geo O Glavis that transportion be furnished to some colored people from Kanston NC to Mechlinberg C.H. in Va. Ends't. of Chaplain Glavis.
Respectfully referred to Major Aquila Wiley Supt. Central Districe. These people want to go to Virginia,
I see no reason why they should not remain where they are, Goldsboro, of course, is no place for them. Out of deference to the writer of this letter I lay the case before you in the hope that you will furnish these persons transportation to some place where they can earn a livelihood.
Respectfully returned to Chaplain Geo O. Glavis Asst Supt. Sub Dist Goldsboro. Transportation will not be furnished the within named parties. They will be required to seek employment.
Bureau of R.F. and AL.
Hd Qrs Central Dist. 
Raleigh Feb 14th 1866
Aquila Wiley
Maj 8th V.R.C. and Supt Central Dist.

Whittlesey E. See E.B. p 66.
Col and Asst Comr.
Hd Qrs Asst. Commissioner &c.
Raleigh Feb 14th 1866
Continuation of endorsement. Endst of Col. Whittlesey Respectfully returned to Chaplain Glavis thro Major Wiley 

Supt. Central District. If the parents can keep three children so that they shall not become vagrants, or suffer, they have a perfect right to do so Chaplain Glavis will act as the best interests of the children shall dictate. Respectfully returned to Chaplain Glavis inviting his attention to the endorsement of the Asst. Comr.
Bureau of R.F. and A.L
Hd Qrs Central District
Raleigh Feb. 14th 1866
Aquila Wiley
Major 8th V.R.C. and Supt Central District

Glavis Geo. O.
Chaplain & Asst Supt.
Hd Qrs. Sub Dist Goldsboro Feb. 1866
Continuation of endorsement EBF. Ends't of Col. Whittlesey. Respectfully returned to Chaplain Glavis thro' Maj Wiley Supt &c. Before the within accounts can be approved it will be necessary for a formal request to be made for authority to hire a clerk and that such request be approved at these Hd Qrs.
Respectfully returned to Chaplain Glavis Asst. Supt. Sub. Dist. Goldsboro with refference to the endorsement of the Asst. Comr.
Bu R.F. and A.L. Hd Qrs Central Dist.
Raleigh Feb 14th 1866
Aquila Wiley
Major 8th V.R.C. and Supt Central Dist

Henbart E.W.
Halifax N.C. Feb. 7th 1866
States that one C.W. Smith entered into a mutual contract with one Saw Bolling, a coloredman, to rent and cultivate the farms of W.G. Epps and Col. Bolling Ends't of Gen Ruger.
Respectfully referred to Col. Whittlesey Asst. Commissioner, Ends't of Col. Whittlesey. Respectfully referred to Maj Wiley Supt Central District for investigation and remarks. Respectfully returned to Col. E. Whittlesey Asst. Commissioner. So far as any cause of action may exist in favor of Dr AG Epps against Mr. C.W. Smith, this Bureau has no jurisdiction.
In cases the colored man Sam Bolling files his complaint before Lieut Wm. F. Cox, Asst Supt. for the Country of Halifax and makes affidavit to such facts as would authorize the issuing of an attachment by a Civil Court, any property belonging to the defendant found in the County will be taken in custody of to await the final decision of the case. If neither Mr. Smith nor his agent is a resident of the County and personal notice of the