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Respectfully referred to Lieut Crockett Asst Supt. Sub. Dist of Orange with reference to the endorsement of the Asst Commissioner.

Bu R.F. and A.L. Hd Qrs. Central Dist.
Raleigh 19th 1866

Aquila Wiley
Major 8th V.R.C. & Supt. Central District

Glavis Geo O.
Chapn. U.S.A. and Asst. Supt.

Hd Qrs. Sub Dist. Goldsboro N.C.
Goldsboro Feb 14th 1866

Forwards report of fines received also check of $71.25
Respectfully forwarded to Col. E. Whittlesey Asst. Comr.

Bu RF and AL Hd Qrs Central Dist.
Raleigh Feb 19th 1866

Aquila Wiley
Major 8th V.R.C. and Supt Central Dist.

Evans √ Benjamin
Capt 28th Mich and Asst. Supt.

Hd Qrs. Sub Dist. Warren
Franklinton N.C. Feb 1866

Forwards testimony by a Justice of Peace in case of the murder of Lizzie Reeks daughter of Rev. T.R. Reeks by Amy Freedwoman. To ascertain whether crime of murder committed before the surrender of the so called Confederate Army is now under the jurisdiction of the Bureau.
Respectfully forwarded to Col. E. Whittlesey Asst Comr for his information in order that measures may be taken for the trial of the accused before a General Court Martial if not deemed proper to allow the Civil Courts to take jurisdiction of the case.

Bu. R.F. and A.L. Hd Qrs. Central Dist.
Raleigh Feb 20th 1866

Aquila Wiley
Major 8th V.R.C. & Supt. Central District

Glavis Geo O.
Chapn. U.S.A. and Asst. Supt.

Hd. Qrs. Sub Dist. Goldsboro
Goldsboro Feb 13th 1866

Returns 'Ration Return' to Lieut Geo W. Granger A.C.S. at Goldsboro requesting him to state the cause of his refusing to issue for 30 days. Ends't of Lieut Granger.
You will be guarded bby the instructions given in Circular No 8 War Dept u. of R.F. and A.L. dated June 20th 1865 and approved by the Com. Genl. The following is an extract. II "Issues of Provisions to the classes of persons above described, will be made on ration returns for short periods of time not excluding seven days signed by a commissioned officer and approved by the


the Commanding officer of the Post or Station, and when practicable, by the Asst Commissioner or one of his agents for the State or District in which the issue is made
Respectfully returned to Chaplain Glavis who will call the attention of Lieut Granger to the Circular No 19 War Dept Bu. of R.F. and A.L. dated Nov 27th 1865 a copy of which is herewith enclosed.

Bu of RF and AL Hd. Qrs. Central Dist.
Raleigh Feb 20th 1866

Aquila Wiley
Maj 8th V.R.C. and Supt Central Dist.

Glavis Geo O E.B.17
Chapn. U.S.A. and Asst. Supt.

Hd Qrs Sub Dist Goldsboro
Goldsboro N.C. Jan 19 1866

Requests authority to employ a clerk at $75.00 per month.
Respectfully forwarded to Col E Whittlesey Asst Comr. Approved.

Bu R.F. and A.L. Hd Qrs Central Dist
Raleigh Feb 20th 1866

Aquila Wiley
Major 8th V.R.C. and Supt Central Dist.

Bowe Wm. B.
Citizen Agt. Caswell Co

Hd Qrs Caswell County
Yancyville N.C. Feb 19th 1866

Requests aid for aged & infirm Freedmen, in the shape of clothing, food, &c, also wishes to know whether Revenue Stamps are required on Indentures of Apprenticeship
Respectfully returned to Wm. B. Bowe Citizen Agt Caswell Co. Lieut Crockett stationed at Hillsboro has received an issue of clothing for the destitute of your County, and he is also authorized to draw rations for them. On application to him & the presentation of this endorsement he will furnish the relief to that extent. Further than this it is the Order of the War Department that each community be required to provide for its own poor. In regard to the enforcements of Contracts, the Asst. Commissioner has established no regulations. Until this is done you will have to limit your action by such rules as are required by Civil Courts in cases of violation of Contracts by white men No Revenue Stamp is required on Indentures of Apprentices

Bu R.F. and A.L. Hd Qrs Central Dist
Raleigh Feb 20th 1866

Aquila Wiley
Major 8th V.R.C. and Supt Central Dist