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Almy Geo C. 
Capt US Vols and Asst. Supt. 
Hd. Qrs. Sub. Dist. Raleigh
Raleigh Feb. 14th 1866
Summons Samuel Rogers and Jesse Penny to appear at his office on Saturday Feb. 17th 1866. Parties did not appear and Capt. Almy rendered judgement against him. 
The party within named states that the within notice was not received by him in time to appear at the time and place designated. If Capt. Almy is satisfied that either by the affidavits of the party himself, or other evidence that such is the case, he will suspend judgement in the case and allow him to introduce evidence in his defense. In that event he will notify the Plaintiff of the time fixed for a fresh hearing of the case. Aquila Wiley 
Hd. Qrs. Central Dist Feb. 20 1866  Major 8th V.R.C. and Supt. Central District

Bryan Elias Haywood Chatham Co. Feb. 16th 1866
Wishes a school on his plantation
Respectfully referred to Rev. F.A. Fiske Supt of Education for State.
Aquila Wiley 
Major 8th V.R.C. and Supt Central Dist
Bu RF and AL Hd. Qrs. Central Dist.
Raleigh Febr 20th 1866

Hd. Qrs. Sub. Dist Warren
Franklinton Feb 17th 1866
Evans Benjamin 
Capt 28th Mich &c.
Requests copies of the Order detailing Lieut. C.C. Vance to duty in the Bureau and assigning him to the Sub. Dist. of Granville. Respectfully returned to Capt. Evans Asst Supt. &c. There are no copies of the Orders you requested, and they cannot be obtained. 
Aquila Wiley
Major 8th V.R.C. and Supt. Central Dist
Bu. R.F. and A.L. Hd. Qrs. Central Dist.  
Raleigh Feb. 21st 1866. 

Taylor J.J.
Stanhope Nash Co
Feb. 5th 1866
Requests Chaplain Glavis Asst. Supt. Sub. Dist. Goldboro to cancel an Indenture of Apprenticeship in which the parents of the child were not notified of the intention of binding and are able & willing to support
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support the child. Ends't. of Chapn Glavis. Respectfully forwarded to Aquila Wiley Major & Supt. Central District.
Said Taylor claims to be an Asst. Supt. of Bureau of R.F. and A.L. and also, as such, making and approving contracts & Indentures &c Knowing that Taylor is no officer in the U.S. services I deem it my duty to make you acquainted with the doings of this man.
Respectfully returned to Chaplain Glavis for such action as the interests of the child, the rights of the parents and the party to whom the child has been apprenticed may require. A strict compliance with Par IV Circular No 4 Hd. Qrs. Asst. Commissioner dated Nov. 10th 1865, will prevent the occurrence of similar cases in future. There is no record at these Hd. Qrs. of the appointment of J.J. Taylor as Asst. Supt. or Citizen Agent. of Nash County but it is altogether possible that he may have had verbal authority from Lt. Col. Clapp to act in that capacity. 
Aquila Wiley 
Major 8th V.R.C. and Supt. Central Dist.
Hd. Qrs. Central District Feb 21st 1866

Hd. Qrs. Sub. Dist. Warren
Franklinton Feb 20th 1866
Evans Benjamin
Capt and Asst Supt. 
Forwards Bills for clerk hire for approval.
Respectfully returned to Capt. Benjamin Evans with the information that accounts for Clerk-hire will not be approved unless the authority to employ them has been expressly granted by the Asst. Commissioner. 

Before employing any clerk you will therefore hereafter apply by letter to the Asst. Commissioner for authority to do so. 
Aquila Wiley 
Major 8th V.R.C. and Supt Central Dist.
Bureau of RF and AL Hd Qrs Central Dist.
Raleigh Feb. 22d 1866

Goldsboro Jan 1st 1866
Glavis Geo O. E.B. 15.
Chapn U.S.A. and Asst. Supt.
Continuation of endorsements Endst. of Asst. Comr. 
Respectfully returned approved. Respectfully returned to Geo. O. Glavis Chaplain U.S.A. and Asst Supt Sub. District Goldsboro
Aquila Wiley
Major 8th V.R.C. and Supt. Central District of N.C.
Bu RF and A.L. Hd. Qrs. Central Dist.
Raleigh Feb. 22d 1865