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through other communications similarly false addressed to the Asst. Commissioner and sent to me for report. A voluntary statement (C) sent to me by the P Master of Goldsboro may give some light on the character of Mr. Everett. His animosity to me I can easily account for his brother Robert Everett is now a fugitive from justice, having robbed several Freedmen of their mules, they lodged their complaint at this office, where I made a request for his arrest he refusing to appear here. He has not been arrested, so far, simply because he hides himself in the woods and the County Police who, through the lack of a single soldier in this doubtfull Sub Dist, should make the arrest neglect to do their duty.
Respectfully forwarded to Brevet Brig. Genl. E. Whittlesey with reference to the endorsement of Chaplain Geo. O. Glavis.
Bu R.F. & AL Hd. Qrs. Central Dist.
Raleigh April 18th, 1866.
Capt. C.S. Vols. and Supt Central Dist.

Hd Qrs. Sub Dist of Raleigh
Raleigh April 18th 1866
Gardner A.B.
Lieut and Asst. Supt.
Requests permission to employ a colored boy at the rate of $10.00 per month to take care of the offices of this Sub-District. Apr 18 Respectfully forwarded to Brievt. Brig. Genl. E. Whittlesey approved. The application is intended I understand, to include the care of all the Bureau offices at this point 
Bu. R.F. & A.L. Hd. Qrs. Central Dist.
Raleigh April 18th 1866.
Capt. C.S. Vols and Supt. Central Dist.

Frost, L.K. 
Goldsboro April 11th 1866
In behalf of the Wayne Female College requests that among the buildings claimed by the U.S. authority as abandoned property of the so-called Confederate States are several which were erected before the rebellion, paid for and used by the College - and
Apr 19

further, requests that all buildings now on the premises may be allowed to remain. Continuation of endorsements. E.B. p.45. Endorsement of Chap. Geo. O. Glavis. Respectfully returned, there are on the premises of the Wayne Female College the following buildings, erected by the late Confederate Govt. viz. 1 Dining Room 50 ft by 30 ft. 1 Bakery 23 x 16 ft 1 Dead House 22 x 16, 1 Bathing House 20 x 16, 1 Privy 25 x 8 and 1 Well House 4 x 4 an addition to College Stables 32 x 15 ft. The following buildings the stockholder of the college claimed to have erected prior to the War viz.
1 College Kitchen 34. x 16 ft 1 Servant Dwelling House 25 x 15 ft. 1 Ironing Room 20 x 15 ft. Stables 40 x 15 ft. From investigation I suppose their claim is a correct one. Respectfully returned to the Asst Commissioner with reference to the endorsement of Chaplain Geo. O. Glavis.
Bu R.F. and A.L. Hd. Qrs. Central Dist.
Raleigh April 19th 1866
Capt C.S. Vols and Supt Central Dist.

Penniman Geo. H. E.B. p. 52 and
Hillsboro April. 1st 1866
Forwards affidavits and summonses and states that the parties will not obey his summons. Apr 19 Respectfully forwarded to Brevt. Brig Genl. E. Whittlesey Asst. Comr. with the earnest request that such measures be taken as will insure a proper respect for the order of this Bureau in the Sub. Dist of Orange.
Bu R.F. and A.L. Hd. Qrs. Central Dist.
Raleigh April 19th 1866
Capt C.S. Vols and Supt Central Dist.

Roxboro Person Co
April 16th 1866
Hunt John W. E.B. p 52 53
Citizen Agent
Forwards statement in regard to the murder of Harrison Cameron (Freedman) Apr. 19 Respectfully forwarded to the Asst Comr. for instructions.
Bu R.F. and A.L. Hd. Qrs. Central Dist.
Raleigh April 19th 1866
Capt C.S. Vols and Supt Central Dist.