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Chase A.A. 
A A Surg U.S.A. 
Fair Ground Hospital
Raleigh May 1st 1866

Requests that three locks with keys and four white-wash brushes furnished him Continuation of endorsements EB.p.59. Endorsement of Genl. Whittlesey.  May 4 Respectfully returned thro' Capt Almy Supt Central Dist to A.A. Chase AA Surg &c who will make a requisition in due form for the within articles The blank to be used is H-40 Q.M Dept.  Respectfully returned to Asst Surg A.A. Chase thro Lieut A.B Gardner, with reference to the endorsement of the Asst Commissioner.
Bu R.F. and A.L. Hd Qrs Central Dist.
Raleigh N.C. May 4th 1866
Capt. C.S. Vols and Supt Central District

Office Sub-Dist Weldon
Halifax May 2d 1866
Foote Jno M.
Lieut and Asst Supt.
Requests an order for the restoration of a colored boy (Caleb) to his mother. May 4 Respectfully forwarded to Brevt Brig Genl. E Whittlesey Asst Comr. with the request that it be referred to Brevt Major F.A. Seely for investigation.
Bu R.F. and A.L. Hd Qrs Central Dist.
Raleigh N.C. May 4 1866
Capt. C.S. Vols. and Supt Central District

Hd Qrs. Asst Comr.
Raleigh May 3d, 1866
Hogan M K.
Surg-in Chief Bureau of R.F. and A.L.
Reports condition of the privy attached to the Qr. Mas. building in rear of Hd Qrs Asst. Comr. ends't of Genl Whittlesey May 4 Respectfully referred to Capt Almy Supt &c who will take measures to have this place cleaned and closed up. Respectfully referred to Brevt Col. Carr Comdg Post of Raleigh This sink is used by no one to my knowledge, but the prisoners confined in the Military jail.
As I have no men at my command I would respectfully request that a detail of prisoners be made to cleanse this place
Bu R.F. and A.L. Hd Qrs Central Dist.
Raleigh N.C. May 4thd 1866
Capt. C.S. Vols and Supt Central Dist


Jennie Stewart
Carthage Moore Co April 29th 1866
Requests to have her two children restored to her.
May 7
Respectfully referred to Lieut A.B. Gardner Asst Supt Sub-District of Raleigh for investigation.
Bu R.F. and A.L. Hd Qrs Central Dist.
Raleigh N.C. May 7th 1866
Capt C.S. Vols and Supt Central District

Office Asst Supt Sub Dist Alamance
Hillsboro May 5th 1866
Porter Isaac
Lieut and Asst Supt EB p65
Requests permission to employ a clerk
May 8
Respectfully forwarded - approved - This officer has but one arm and is unable to perform the duties required of him in his Sub-District
Bu R.F. and A.L. Hd Qrs Central Dist.
Raleigh N.C. May 8th 1866
A.G. Brady
Brevt Col. and Supt Central Dist

Office Sub District of Orange N.C.
Hillsboro April 23 1866
Penniman Geo H
Brevt Capt and Asst Supt
Enclosed affidavit of L Fowler in reference to a mule claimed by A.W. Cheek. E.B. p54 Endorsement of Brvt Capt. Geo H. Penniman Asst Supt Sub Dist Orange.
May 8th
Respectfully returned with the information that carefull investigations has been made respecting the disposition of the property within mentioned and that no further information can be obtained respecting thereto beyond the simple fact of the service of Capt. E.H. Linton Asst Supt at Pittsboro Chatham Co, as set forth in affidavit of Leander Fowler enclosed
Respectfully forwarded - attention called to the endorsement of Brevt. Capt. Penniman
Bu R.F. and A.L. Hd Qrs Central Dist.
Raleigh N.C. May 8th 1866
A.G. Brady
Brevt. Col. and Supt Central District