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against Benjamin Throp for a portion of crop but have not received it. The records are so confused that he can not settle without the help of Capt Evans Asks to have it referred to him. Continuation of endorsement
Endorsement of Capt Evans. Respectfully returned to Col Brady V.R.C. With the information that Joe and six other Freedmen were to have 1/4 of the crop raised by them. Mr. Thorp boarding the hands that labored. If he has taken for storage any of the charge it was without authority and in my opinion should be made satisfactory by paying for the part thus forcefully taken Respectfully returned to Capt Jones whose attention is called to endorsement of Capt Evans.

Brvt Col & Supt

Hd Qrs Central Dist May 18th 1866

Jones √ W.W. E.B. p. 79
Capt and Asst Supt

Hd Qrs Supt
Oxford May 15th 1866

Makes application for a clerk. 1st on account of the great number of cases to be adjudicated in the Sub Dist. 2d. Having lost his right arm in battle is compelled to write with his left hand. Respectfully forwarded. Approved,

Bu RF and AL Hd Qrs Central Dist
Raleigh N.C. May 19th 1866

Brvt Col and Superintendent

Jones √ W.W.
Capt V.R.C. and Asst Supt.

Hd Qrs. Sub District of Granville
Bu R.F. and A.L. Oxford May 15 1866

States that complaint was made by Chas and Nancy Johnston vs Thos. Reavis that Deft did not appear on the ground that he did not receive the notice until the evening of the day of trial and now asks for a new trial. Proposes to show that Ptf. did not work faithfully and that he (Deft) has an account against Ptf. which he wishes to present at the trial.
Refers the case to Supt of Dist for information with statement that Sarah Pascall who was associated wit Capt Evans state that these cases were up before Capt Evans and that he (Evans) notified said Reaves to appear, who a efraid or failed to do so. Respectfully returned to Capt Jones
Asst Supt A new trial is granted. In all cases which may come up before you, you are particularly enjoined to give a full and fair hearing to both parties being carefull to protect



the Freedmen in all the rights and privileges guaranteed the whites by laws of North Carolina

Hd Qrs Central Dist Bu RF and AL
Raleigh N.C. May 19th 1866

Brvt Col and Supt.

Brady √ A.G.
Bvt Col and Supt. E.B. p. 63

Hd Qrs Central District of N.C.
Raleigh N.C. May 9th 1866

Returns papers in relation to more than fifty cents being charged for Indentures of Apprenticeship in Sub District of Warren to Capt Benjamin Evans.
Continuation of Endorsements. Endst of Capt Evans
Respectfully returned to Bvt Col A.G. Brady V.R.C. Supt. Central District Bu. R.F. and A.L. Raleigh N.C. wish the information that in no case has more than fifty cents been charged for received by me as a fee for making Indentures of Apprenticeship for orphan children of Freedmen. In some instance W.H. Pleasants received from ten to eleven dollars and a half. This was a private arrangement between Pleasants and the citizens with which I had nothing to do. I have understood that Pleasants consulted with one or more Lawyers of the Dist and was informed that he had a right to charge such fees. The charge of eleven dollars and a half was charged by W.H. Pleasants in several cases and was received and retained by him except the Bureau fees of fifty cents.
Blank Indentures of Apprenticeship were left with Capt. W.H. Pleasants who was appointed a citizen Agent of this Bureau by Lieut Col. D.E. Clapp of said Bureau, some time in the summer of 1865. In only two cases were blank Indentures filled out by N.R. Jones in my absence. In those I had decided in regard to the propriety of Indenturing the children and requested Mr. Jones fill out the Indenture simply to oblige me as I was very busy at the time and the parties lived some ten miles from Warren Cty and it was very inconvenient for them to come a second time. Respectfully forwarded for the information of the Asst Commissioner for N.C.

Office Supt Bu R F and A L
Central District Raleigh N.C. May 21st 1866

A.G. Brady
Bvt Col and Supt.

Transcription Notes:
9-21-2021: Transcribed per guidelines and marking for review