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May 21
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Hd Qrs. Sub Dist of Weldon
Halifax N.C. May 18th 1866

Foote √ Jno M.
2d Lieut and Asst Supt

Reports case of seven Freedmen employed by Mr Jno Davis of Halifax County who received nothing for their services but one pair of shoes - also states that he divided the case but Davis refuses to pay the Freedmen the amounts awarded them by him Refers the case to Supt of Central Dist with the suggestion that if he (Davis) is not compelled to pay this, it will be impossible to collect any judgement for the Freedmen in this Sub Dist
Respectfully referred to Bvt Brig Genl E Whittlesey Asst Commissioner for N.C.
A.G. Brady
Bvt Col and Supt
Office Supt Bu R F and A.L. N.C.
Central Dist Raleigh May 21st 1866

[[left margin]] 63./77. - 4 vol 2 May 27th [[/left margin]]
Roxboro N.C. May 5 1866

Hunt √ Jno W. E.B. p.63. 77.
Citizen Agt. Person Co.

States that the Superior Court will hold its next session at that place on the 2d Monday of May and that the case of "Card" will be taken up about Tuesday or Wednesday. Continuation of Endorsements Ends't of Capt Penniman. Respectfully returned to Col. A.G. Brady Supt. of Central District of N.C. With the information that is pursuance of endorsement on opposite page I attended the May term of the Superior Court of Person County N.C.
That S.H. Card citizen of said county stands charged with the murder of Harrison Cameron, a Freedmen, within mentioned under indictments found by the Grand Jury of said County, filed of the May term of said Co for 1866.
That the trial under said indictment was postponed to Nov term, on motion of the respondent on the ground of absence of material witnesses and that said "Card" is still in close confinement.
Respectfully forwarded for the information of the Maj Genl Commanding Department
A.G. Brady
Bvt Col and Supt
Office Supt Bu R F and A L for N.C.
Hd Qrs Central District Raleigh May 22d 1866

Goldsboro N.C. May 5th 1866

O Hara √ James E.

Complains against the injustice done to the colored people by Chaplain Geo O. Glavis. Endst of Genl. O.O. Howard
Respectfully referred to Genl E Whittlesey Asst Comr. for N.C.
Endst. of Genl. Whittlesey. Respectfully referred to Major Stickney Asst Supt Sub Dist Goldsboro thru Supt Central Dist.
Endst of Major Stickney. Respectfully returned. I have the honor to report I have examined the case mentioned in the within complaint against Chaplain Geo O. Glavis and find, in every instance he was correct and that whenever he detained any one, either black or white it was where they spoke out of place, and although quick in temper and somewhat severe in his remarks, yet was just in his decisions. Endst of Jas. O'Hara I had the pleasure of being present at the re-examination of the within mentioned complaint and feel fully satisfied that in the cases tried there was an error on the part of the party complaining, caused by his ignorance and also feel that Major J.W.H Stickney's report is perfectly correct.
Respectfully forwarded to Lieut A.B. Gardner Actg. Asst Adjt Genl. for the consideration of the Genl Commanding Department and Asst Commissioner Bu R F and A L
A.G. Brady
Bvt Col and Supt
Office Supt Bu R F and A L
Central District N.C. Raleigh May 24 1866

Hd Qrs Sub Dist of Orange
Hillsboro April 12th 1866

Penniman √ Geo H.
Bvt. Capt and Asst Supt

Forwards affidavit of Saml Hopkins in relation to a mule being taken from him by Clem Crabtree and others Continuation of endorsements. Endorsement of Capt. Penniman.
It appearing on due examination of the parties within named in pursuance of endorsement on hold No 2 that the mule in question is the property of the U.S. Govt I ordered that said mule be turned over to the Q.M. Department and that said Clem Crabtree refund to the Freedman Hopkins the sum of money and securities given therefor. Endst. of Lieut Porter.
Respectfully forwarded and request information as to the disposal of the mule. Respectfully returned [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] upon will deliver the mule to the order of Major T.P. Johnston A.Q.M

Transcription Notes:
9-21-2021: Transcribed per guidelines and marking for review changed "Forte" to "Foote" rearranged in letter format