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Office Supt. Bu R.F. & A. L. for N. C.
Central District Raleigh May 31st 1866
Capt. CS Vols and Actg Supt

Hd. Qrs Sub-Dist of Goldsboro
Goldsboro May 27th 1866

Glavis Geo. O
Chaplain US.A.

Encloses vouchers for expenses incurred making tours of inspection through his Sub District.
Continuation of endorsements - Ends't of Maj J.W.H. Stickney

Respectfully returned to Chaplain Geo. O. Glavis
U. S. A inviting his attention to endorsement of the Q.M. Genl. and endorsements of Major General Ruger and Col. Brady Supt Central District State of N.C.  Ends't of Chaplain Glavis

Respectfully returned a copy of the order of Genl Whittlesey directing me to make tours of inspection through my Sub Dist when necessary, duly certified to was forwarded to Major Winslow A.Q.M. in Raleigh with a request for transportation. Although I wrote a second letter about this matter I received no answer and it being impossible to wait I performed the journey. Snow Hill being situated some thirty miles from [[strikethrough]] the [[\strikethrough]] Rail Road communication could not even be reached with an order for transportation. May 30th 1866.
Endst of Major Stickney  Respectfully returned to Col. H.G. Brady Supt Central Dist referring to endorsement of Chaplain Glavis.

Respectfully returned to Chaplain Geo. O Glavis thro' Major J.W.H. Stickney Asst Supt Sub Dist Goldsboro.  Chaplain Glavis will embody the facts contained in his endorsement of May 30th 1866 in a certificate on the original papers and forward them to Col M.C. Garber A.Q.M. for payment.
Capt. C.S. Vols and Actg Supt in absence of Col. Brady
Office Supt Bu R.F and AL
Cent. Dist May 31, 1866     

Bureau of R.F and A.L.
Hd. Qrs Sub Dist of Orange Hillsbro June 1 1866
Porter Isaac.
Lieut and Asst Supt.
Applies for a teacher for Freedmen's School
June 2. Respectfully referred to Rev. F.A. Fiske supt. of Education for State.
Capt U.S.V. and Actg Superintendent
Office Supt. Bu R.F and A.L. for N.C.
Central District Raleigh June 2d 1866  


Hd. Qrs Sub Dist. Weldon
Halifax N.C. May 18, 1866
Foote Jno. M.
2d Lieut and Asst Supt.
Reports the case of seven Freedmen emplyed by Mr. Jno Davis of Halifax. Continuation of Endorsements. Edst of Asst. Commissioner. Dated June 1st 1866.

Respectfully returned.  This judgment will be enforced.  If Mr. Davis refuses to settle he will be arrested and forwarded to this place and charges preferred against him for whipping Freedmen and endeavoring to defraud them of their wages.
Respectfully returned to Lieut Foote whose attention is called to endorsement of the Asst Commissioner.
Capt C.S.V. and Actg Supt.
Office Supt. Bu R.F. and A.L. for N.C.
Central District Raleigh June 2d 1866

Hd. Qrs Sub Dist of Orange
Hillsboro N.C. June 1st 1866
Porter Isaac
Lieut and Asst. Supt.
Applies for a Teacher for a Freedmens School. 
Continuation of Endorsement. Ends't of Supt. of Education dated June 2nd 1866.
A Freedmen's School has been in progress in Hillsboro more than four months. Number of pupils reported for the month of April is (107) one hundred and seven.  The month of May has been a period of vacation.  The next session of the school will commence soon under the instruction of Rev. A. Bass its former Principal, who will continue in chare of it till the arrival of teachers from the North, with whom negotiation are in progress.
Respectfully returned to Lieut. Porter whose attention is called to endorsement of Supt. of Education.
Capt C.S.V. and Actg Supt.
Office Supt. Bu. R.F. and A.L. for N.C.
Central District Raleigh June 2d 1866

Hd Qrs Sub-Dist Warren
Franklinton N.C. May 22 1866
Hay Thos. H.
Capt. and Asst Supt.
Forwards Affidavit of Mrs. Maria Sanders who states that she is the wife of a soldier in the 39th C. Troops - that she has a 