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Office Supt. Bu. R.F.&A.L.
Central District Raleigh N.C.
July 25th 1866
A.G. Bready
Bvt Col and Supt.

Kilburn, D.N.

New Berne N.C. July 20th 1866 Forwards application of one Washington Mays (colored) who desires transportation for his wife and three children, from Warrenton Warren Co to New Berne also encloses a recommendation of Geo W. Nason P.M.

Respectfully forwarded to Bvt. Col C.A. Cilley, A.A.G. for the information of the Asst Comr with request that the transportation may be given, if possible the Freedman (Mays) has been extremely unfortunate in endeavoring to gain the restoration of his family, having sacrificed a good deal of time and the most of his means. The statements of Mr. Kilburn and  Post Master Nason can be fully relied upon, they being men of the best of standing in this community.
Hd Qrs Eastern Dist. 
July 13th 1866
W.H. Wiegel
Major and Bvt. Col. and Supt.

Respectfully referred to Col. A.G. Brady for his remarks , or the remarks of the Asst Supt, Sub Dist Warren.

By Command of Bvt. Maj. Genl. Robinson
Clinton A Cilley
A.A. Genl.
Hd Qrs. Asst Commr
July 25th 1866

Respectfully returned to Col C.A. Cilley A.A.G. This Freedman Mays went to Warrenton but once to get his wife which was in May 1866 and then tried to get her by using abusive language and threats towards Rev. Mr. Perkinson with whom she was at work under contract. The contract was made of her own free will and accord, at the time she did not know whether her husband was dead or alive, not having heard from him for about four years. Having failed in this personal attempt to get his wife he made application to these Hd. Qrs. May 1th 1866. The case was

fully investigated and to oblige Margaret (May's wife) Mr. Perkinson canceled the contract and Mays was informed that he could have his wife, having left his address at these Hd. Qrs. It seems that Mays has been employed for wages by the Government since the fall of 1862 until June 1865 and since which time has been earing good wages and no one to support but himself [[strikethrough]] I [[/strikethrough]] as he has made but one attempt by going to Warrenton for his wife, it could not have cost him more (at the very most) than his wages amounited to in two months and as he has been at work for about four years he ought to be abundantly able to pay the fare of his wife and children from Warrenton to New Berne, N.C.

Bu. R.F. and A.L.
Central Dist Raleigh
July 25 1866
A.G. Bready
Bvt. Col. and Supt.

Hay, Thos. H.
Capt. V.R.C. and Asst Supt.
Hd Qrs Sub Dist Warren
Franklinton N.C. July 22d 1866

Asks whether the case of Adeline Thayer vs Sam Pryor does not belong to the Civil Courts to try according to Genl. Orders No. 3 Hd Qrs Asst Commr. N.C. July 13th 1866, Also, whether similar should not be turned over.

Respectfully returned. This case has already been referred to you for investigation and report. ou will therefore please comply with the requirements of the paper asent you in this dcase June 12th 1866

Office Supt Central Dist
Bu. R.F. and A.L. Raleigh
July 26th 1866
A.G. Bready
Bvt. Col. and Superintendent 

Hay Thos H
Capt V.R.C. and Asst Supt.
Hd Qrs Sub Dist Warren
Franklinton July 24 1866
Returns S.O. No.92 Hd Qrs Asst