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McAlpine Thos. D.
Lieut V.R.C. and Asst Supt.
108. 112. 182. 

Hd. Qrs. Sub Dist of Raleigh
Raleigh June 21st 1866

Requests that the enclosed papers be acted upon and that Madison Spruell (Freedman) be brought before this court for trial.

Respectfully re-forwarded to Col A.G. Beady Supt. Central District N.C.

This case was referred to the Civil Authorities but I find, upon consulting with them, that there is no relief for this woman under the "Civil Law." The offence not being of a criminal nature the authorities of North Carolina cannot require this man to be brought here - and the only remedy that this woman has under the "Civil Law" is to go to Virginia and commence a civil action for the recovery of damages. This she has no money to do and even if she had money to do this, the man whom the action would be brought against has no money or property to recover damages from. 

The within named M. Spruell has cruelly wronged this woman and ought not to be allowed to escape because of the inability of the Civil Law to reach him - or because of the insolvency of the party whom he has wronged.

Hd Qrs Sub Dist Raleigh
Raleigh Aug 4th 1866

T. D. McAlpine
Lieut V R C and Asst. Supt

Respectfully returned to Col C.A. Cilley A.A. Genl. with the earnest request that this case may be referred to the Asst Commr State of Virginia in order that this offender Sprewell (Freedman) may be brought before the Freedmens' Court in Va. or before the proper County or State Courts to answer to the charges made by this freedwoman.

This is but one of the many cases of this kind brought to the notice of the Officers of the Bureau in this District and unless some action is taken by the Bureau to bring such offenders to trial who get freedwomen "Enceinte" and then leave the State to flee from justice, there will be much suffering and many 


dependents upon the Government for support. The 'Civil Law' of North Carolina does not reach this case or I would have it brought before the proper County Court. It is as a dead letter upon the "Revised Code of North Carolina"

Office Supt Bu R.F. & A.L.
Central Dist Raleigh
Aug 6 1866
A. G. Bready
Bvt. Col. & Supt.

Berquin [[Doro?]]

Ricksguard Northampton Co
July 13th 1866

States that after having some difficulty with his wife, her mother took her away to Mr. Neall Pope's plantation. Mr. Pope drove him off the plantation when he went after his wife Requests aid in getting her. 

Respectfully referred to Lieut Foot Asst Supt. Sub Dist Weldon. This man must get his rights under Civil Law. Instruct this man how to proceed & aid him all you can consistently in obtaining his wife.

Office Supt Bu. R. F. & A. L.
Central Dist Raleigh
Aug 7th 1866
A.G. Bready
Bvt. Col. & Supt.

Jones W.W
Capt. V.R.C. and Asst Supt.

Hd. Qrs. Sub Dist of Granville
Oxford Aug 3d. 1866

Forwards copy of evidence in the case of binding boy Moses to Thos S Williams for the decision of the Superintendent. States that in his opinion the indenture ought to be canceled.

Respectfully returned. Cancel the Indenture of Moses (freedboy) with Thos S Williams and restore the boy to his Grandfather and report your action to these Hed. Quarters.

Office Supt. Bu. R.F. and A.L.
Central District
Aug. 7th 1866

A.G. Bready
Bvt Col and Supt.


Transcription Notes:
9/28/2021: Not sure of the term "Encente" (sp?). I think it must be a 19th century euphemism for "pregnant". "Enciente" is defined as "pregnant."