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may be willing to pay him. Report your action without delay.

Office Supt. Central Dist.
B.R.F. and A.L. August 30 1866
A.G. Bready
Bvt. Col. and Supt.

Stickney, J.W.H.
Major V.R.C. and Asst. Supt.
Hd. Qrs. Sub. Dist. Goldsboro
Goldsboro Aug 30th 1866

Applies for transportation from Goldsboro to Wilson N.C. and return, on business connected with his Sub. District.

Respectfully forwarded - Approved.

Office Supt. Bu. R.F. and A.L.
Central Dist. Raleigh 
August 30th 1866
A.G. Bready 
Bvt. Col. and Supt.

Mc Alpine T.D.
Lieut V.R.C. and Asst. Supt.
Hd. Qrs. Sub. Dist. Raleigh
Raleigh Aug 28 1866

Reports the case of James Henderson (colored) who was sentenced to pay a fine of $50.00 or work it out in the County Work House at the rate of $5.00 per month, for shooting a cow, the property of Mr. Pescud (white). States that the County Work House is not yet built. Suggests that the order directing officers of the Bureau to act as counsel for Freedmen in the County Courts be revoked as they are allowed no privileges in these Courts. Requests that the attention of the Governor of the State of N.C. be called to the sentence pronounced against James Henderson and others, or that you take such action as in your own judgment the case demands.

Respectfully forwarded to Col. A.C. Cilley A.A.G. for the information of Maj. Genl. Robinson Asst. Commr. It seems to me unjust that this freedman should be kept in jail at the cost to him of 75 cents per day until a work house shall be build by the County which may not be accomplished for several years and have the 75 cents 


added to his fine of $50.00 and costs to work out and which may require his life time.

Office Supt. Bu. R.F. and A.L.
Central Dist. Raleigh 
August 30th 1866
A.G. Bready 
Bvt. Col. and Supt.

Mc Alpine T.D.
Lieut V.R.C. and Asst. Supt.
Hd. Qrs. Sub. District Raleigh
Raleigh N.C. July 3d 1866

Forwards complaint of Atay High in relation to her boy John Norphlet, bound to E. Davis, Wilson Co.

Respectfully returned. None of the within named parties can be found. 

Hd. Qrs. Sub. Dist. Goldsboro
Goldsboro Aug 26th 1866
Jas. W.H. Stickney
Maj. V.R.C. and Asst. Supt.

Respectfully returned to Lieut. Mc Alpine whose attention is called to the endorsement of Maj. Stickney.

Office Supt. Bu. R.F. and A.L.
Central Dist. Raleigh 
August 30th 1866
A.G. Bready 

Mr Brantly No initial given
State of N.C. Nash County
July 28th 1866
States that it is reported that "Phoebe" one of Lucy Smith's children is bound to Jno Smith contrary to law. this statement is vouched for by Mr. Jacob Brantly and John J. Taylor.

Respectfully returned. Have examined this case and although decidedly to the disadvantage of the children - Mr. Smith not having the mothers full consent, have annulled the indentures.

Jas. W.H. Stickney
Maj V.R.C. and Asst. Supt.

Bvt. Col. and Supt.