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NARA 105

Freedman's Bureau situated East of the Capitol Square.

This inspection was ordered by me on account of the fact that their are many places in this City where filth accumulates, to the detriment of the health of the inhabitants, consequently to the risk of the Officers & Soldiers. Having called the attention of the City authorities to the above facts, I think it nothing more than right and proper that something should be done to place in decent condition an establishment which is under the control of the United States Authorities 

On the 28th of April I ordered an inspection of the City by a Board consisting of the Officers of the day, the Post Adjutant and the Post Surgeons.

They reported the City in good sanitary condition, with exception of these same premises.

I then called the attention of the Bureau Officers to the fact furnishing them with a copy of the Report of the Board. It would be out of the question for me to furnish a guard without injuring the health of the troops more than to allow the premises to remain as they are - because it would bring all my men on guard every other day, or often. There is already a guard of a corporal and three Privates daily over the Store house. The general guard on sentinel posted over my own Head Quarters. It seems to me that the Officers, Agents Clerks and Employees of the on duty about those premises could have them policed and kept from defilement, without guard just as easily as private premises are so kept - And just as easily as the premises in which my office is located are so kept. The subject is respectfully referred to the  Bvt. Maj. Genl. Commanding, with the hope that I may be excused for meddling in it. My apology is that I consider it a matter which indirectly concerns the health of the Officers and Soldiers of my Command.

Respectfully Submitted


Respectfully referred to Lieut Mc Alpine Asst. Supt. Sub District of Raleigh whose attention is called to the within report and the endorsement of Col. Carr Post Commander. Also the endorsement of the Asst. Commissioner which will at once be complied with - Requisition will be made for the necessary materials, force and guard to Police and Fumigate the said "Guion Hotel."

Office Supt. Central Dist.
Bu. R.F. and A.L. Raleigh
September 5th 1866
A. G. Bready
Bvt Col and Supt.

Mc Alpine T. D.
Lieut. V.R.C. and Asst. Supt.
Hd. Qrs. Sub. Dist. of Raleigh
Raleigh N.C. Sept 4 1866

Requests that the Bureau Q.M. Maj. T. P. Johnston be authorized to purchase (3) Three Brooms, (2) Buckets and two (2) White wash Brushes, for the use of Bureau offices in this place Also (2) Two Scrub Brooms.

Respectfully forwarded Approved.

Office Supt. Central Dist.
Bu. R.F. and A.L. Raleigh
September 6th 1866
A. G. Bready
Bvt Col and Supt.

Mc Alpine T. D.
Lieut. V.R.C. Asst. Supt.
Office Sub. District Raleigh
Raleigh Sept 6th 1866

Requests that his Clerk's salary may be increased from $60.00/100 Sixty dollars to $75.00/100 Seventy five dollars per month as expenses of Board, Washing, &c are so great that a clerk can not support himself decently on $60.00/100 sixty dollars per month.

Respectfully forwarded - Approved.
The cost of living in this City is very expensive. A Clerk can not live respectably.


Transcription Notes:
9/30 - corrections