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cases of this nature.
Office Supt Bu. R.F. and A.L. 
Central District Raleigh   A.G. Bready
September 17th 1866 Bvt. Col and Supt.

McAlpine T.D. Hd. Qrs Sub Dist Raleigh
2d Lieut V.R.C. and Asst. Supt. Raleigh Sept. 17th 1866

[[right margin]] L.B. p. 196 [[/right margin]]

Request transportation for Ben Wingens Destitute Freedman from Raleigh N.C. to Darlington S.C. This man was brought here by his former master to prevent his falling into the hands of the Union Army
Respectfully forwarded -
Office Supt Bu R F and A.L
Central District Raleigh A.G. Bready
Sept. 17th 1866 Bct. Col and Supt

Jones W.W. B.R.F. and AL Sub Dist. Granville
Capt. V,R.C. and Asst. Supt. Oxford Sept. 16th 1866

Makes statement in relation to the child of Fanny Dillard Asks whether under existing orders, the child can be restored to her.
Respectfully returned to Capt. Jones Asst. Supt. Sub Dist of Granville, who will investigate Sully the indenturing of this child by Lieut Vance, to Mr. John Cox of [[?]] county and if you find that the child was bound without the consent of it Mother and in violation of Par IV Circular No 4 dated Hd Qrs. Asst. Comm's Nov. 10th 1865 and Par. IV Circular No 1 dated Hd. Qrs Asst Comm's Feb 6th 1866 and the Laws of the State applying to White children, Cancel the Endenture and restore the child and if Cox refused to give up the child, he will be arrested and sent to


Raleigh to be detained in Military confinement until such time as he shall comply with the Order. But if the child was properly indentured according to existing laws you will not interfere.  Great care and caution is necessary in the investigation of cases of this nature.
Office Supt. Bu. R.F. and A.L.
Central Dist. Raleigh A.G. Bready
September 17th 1866 Bvt. Col and Supt.

Badger R.C. Raleigh N.C.
218. County Recorder Sept 3d 1866
In behalf of the County offices to whom Lieut T.D. McAlpine has referred the Order of Genl Howard forbidding the issue of rations after Oct 1st 18666 and asking that the above named order may be suspended till Jan 1st 1867
Respectfully returned to Bvt Col. A.G. Bready Supt. The orders in this case are imperative and cannot be departed from. No rations will be issued on or after Oct 1st prox.
By Order of Bvt. Maj Genl. Robinson
Hd Qrs Asst Comm N.C.
Raleigh Sept. 15th 1866
Jacob F Churr
Capt. & A.A.A.G. 

Respectfully returned to Lieut. McAlpine whose attention is called to the endorsement of the Asst. Comr.
Office Supt. Bu R.F. and A.L.
Central District Raleigh
Sept. 15 1866
A.G. Bready
Bvt. Col and Supt. 

Hay Thos. H. 
Capt. V.R.C. and Asst. Supt. 
Hd. Qrs. Sub-Dist Warren
Franklinton Sept 18, 1866
Applies for a duplicate of the 
[[left margin]] Copy of S.O. 111 sent Capt. Hay Sept. 19/66 [[/left margin]]