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the past Indian tribes have had to get special acts of Congress to permit them to spend money that is in the Treasury to their credit. The result has been long delays and expense to the tribes. Several bills have been introduced to permit these funds to be spent as the tribal councils want, or as they decide with the approval of the Department. None of these bills were adopted.

This year, the Department proposed a provision in the appropriation bill which would permit any tribal funds to be spent during the present year for purposes designated by the councils with the approval of the Secretary. This provision was backed by the NCAI and passed the House. However, it was blocked in the Senate committee. There was every indication that the provision would not be passed. But the NCAI sent letters to all its members and other tribes and urged them to insist that the conference committee should keep this provision in the bill. The result has just been announced. The bill as reported out by the conference committee contains the tribal funds clause. The House of Representatives has adopted the conference report. The Senate is passing on it early this week. If the Senate adopts the conference report, and if the President signs the bill, the Indian tribes will be able to spend their own money during the coming year. There is every reason to believe that similar provisions will be inserted in all future appropriation bills.

*  *   *

This has been a very successful year for the NCAI. I hope that this Convention will make provision for enough money for its Washington activities so that this work can be continued.

Respectfully Submitted

James E. Curry,

P.S. I have just received a wire from my associate Mrs. Horn that the Senate accepted the Tribal Funds provision.