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TREASURER'S REPORT for the period September 17, 1949, to August 28, 1950:

Balance brought forward from last report ...  $792.92

INCOME: Membership dues, subscriptions and donations (Shown by official receipts Nos. 1622-1666 and by bank deposits)

TOTAL   $13,885.77

1. Printing, publication news-letters
   and bulletins                         $1643.18
2. Salary, stenographic hire, office
   supplies, Washington Office            3702.10
3. Telephone and telegraph                 547.79
4. Convention, regional meetings and
   travel expense                         2274.15
5. Postage and express                      52.09
6. Legal services, attorney fees
   briefs, etc.                            556.77
7. Rent                                    300.00
8. Service charge and bad checks            38.17
TOTAL                                              $9114.25
Balance August 28, 1950                            $4771.52

The Secretary and the Treasurer have followed the rules and regulations adopted by the Executive Council in handling the moneys and accounts. All funds received from any source whatever are receipted for on the official receipt of the NCAI. The Treasurer gives the payer the original receipt , sends the pink copy to the Secretary, and he retains the blue copy. The money represented by the receipts is deposited in the bank,  and deposit slips in triplicate are issued. The Treasurer retains one copy and the other copy is sent  to the Secretary, along with receipts. The Treasurer's records and the Secretary's records agree, and serve as a check on each other. All bills are authorized and approved by the President before payment. All disbursements are made by official checks which are numbered consecutively, with notations thereon showing the purpose for each issued.

A detailed account of the foregoing expenditures is available for inspection and auditing purposes.

I certify that the foregoing Report is true and correct as reflected by the books and records of the Treasurer's office.

(Signed) N.B. Johnson, Treasurer

Examined and Approved
August 30, 1950.

Meeting adjourned.
