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Afternoon Session, Wednesday, August 30.


Your Credential Committee reports 191 duly registered delegates to the 1950 Bellingham Convention.  In order to give fair representation to tribal and group memberships, your Committee recommends that the procedure approved in the past be used for voting purposes in the election of NCAI officers and approval of resolutions and policies.  We believe that this is about as fair a solution as can be worked out to insure a democratic procedure that can be put in force.

It is further recommended that the President of the National Congress of American Indians assign a committee composed of at least three people the task of studying this problem and making a report to the Executive Secretary at least six months before the next Convention, so that delegates can come fully instructed on voting procedure.

For this Convention, your Credentials Committee recommends that all individual paid-up members have one vote each, and all other delegates representing groups of 100 to 500 be allowed two votes.  Delegates representing tribes over 4,000 should be allowed 15 votes.

(Sgd) JOHN C. RAINER, Chairman

I move that the report be approved.


This is my first appearance before you as your Executive Secretary and, although I should spend much time telling you of our activities during the past year, much of this material has been covered in the report given you by your General Counsel James E. Curry.  Toward the latter part of my report, if there is any time left, I shall cover some of the same points reported by him.

At the Rapid City Convention, Mrs. Ruth M. Bronson's request to be relieved of her duties as Executive Secretary was honored by the Convention and Louis R. Bruce, Jr. was elected in her stead.  However, most of us know that Mr. Bruce found it impossible to spend time with the Washington Office, to carry on its duties which require daily, if not hourly, attention.

Also at the Rapid City Convention, NCAI approved the activities of ARROW, INC. and made it a subsidiary organization to raise funds for a
