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committees, and to the Secretary of the Interior and the Commissioner of Indian Affairs.

WHEREAS the delegates of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, of North and South Dakota, have been deeply impressed by the hospitality extended by the officials and business leaders of the City of Bellingham to the Indians attending this Seventh Annual Convention of the NCAI;  and
WHEREAS the delegates have seen what excellent arrangements have been made by the officers of this organization for the comfort and entertainment of the delegates and for their convenience in their deliberations; now
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Standing Rock Sioux Indians of North and South Dakota extend their deepest appreciation to the officials and citizens of the City of Bellingham and to the officials of the NCAI. 
BE IT RESOLVED that the NCAI endorses the request of the Fort Hall Business Council for a Home Demonstration Agent on the Fort Hall Reservation for the following reasons:
(1) Home extension work is needed to help the women organize and carry on sewing, canning, and homemaking clubs;
(2) Home extension work is needed to help the women in planning to take part in revolving credit loans;
(3) Children are now going to public schools and home extension work is needed to help the women in the proper care of their children in homes and to enable them to bring school and homes closer together;
(4) With the construction of a community building on the Fort Hall Reservation, there will be a place to conduct the demonstrations and to hold meetings, and these meetings will give the women opportunities to discuss their problems.

BE IT RESOLVED that the NCAI authorizes its officers to cooperate with the Fort Hall Business Council and its attorneys in obtaining the payment of the claim of the Fort Hall Indians for $100,000 of tribal funds used for the construction and enlargement of the present Fort Hall main canal.

BE IT RESOLVED that the NCAI endorses the request of the Fort Hall Business Council that an investigation be made so that the districts on said Reservation where members of the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes reside shall get the same amount of attention, sufficient water, repairs, and enlarging of ditches, as do outlying areas in the Fort Hall Irrigation System.

BE IT RESOLVED that the NCAI endorses the request of the Fort Hall Business Council for the reopening of the Fort Hall Hospital.

WHEREAS the Colville Indians, pursuant to regulations and with full knowledge of their Superintendent, entered into an agreement with certain attorneys for prosecution of tribal claims; and
WHEREAS there is a Federal law forbidding Indian tribes to hire attorneys except as approved by the Department of the Interior; and
WHEREAS this law is a vestige of the days when it was considered proper for all Indian affairs to be controlled, not by Indians themselves,