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Bur. R.F. & A.L.
Office G.C. Agent. State of Tenn.
Nashville, Decr. 31st 1867.

Bvt. Maj. Gen. Wm P. Carlin
Asst. Comr. Bur. R.F. & A.L.
Nashville Tenn.

I have the honor to report, the following disbursements, to bounty claimants, by this office during the month of Dec. 1867.

No of Claimants. 37.
Total amount disbursed. $7,883.41

The marked falling off since November was owing to certain contemplated Bureau changes in February next. Within the last week however, disbursements have been promptly resumed.

Very Respectfully, Your Obt. Svt.
J.C. Coons
Gen Claim Agent,
B.R.F. & A.L.