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W. #29. L.R. A.C.O.T. 1868

Knoxville. Feby. 29. '68

W #11 S.D.K. 1868

Walker, Saml
Bt. Capt. & S.A.C.

Claim Report for February, 1868

[[stamp]] A.C.O. BUREAU R.F. & A.L. Rec'd Nashville MAR 9
1868 [[/stamp]] Back

[[stamp]] A.C.O. Bureau R.F. & A.L. Tenn. Rec'd Nashville. MAR 3 1868 [[/stamp]]

Recd. S.D.K. Mar. 6" 1868

Bureau RF & AL State of Tenn
Office Asst Commissioner 
Nashville March 3d 1868. 

Respectfully returned for correction in accordance with Circular No 13 series 1867 from this office. 
The names of the Claimants should also be given. 

By order of 
Bt Maj Genl WP Carlin
Asst Commissioner
S.W. Groesbeck 
Lieut 42d Infty
& A.A.A. Genl