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Bureau Refugees Freedmen & A. L.
Sub. Dist of Chattanooga
Office Sub=Asst. Comr. 
Chattanooga Tenn. March 31st 1868

Saml. Walker
Bvt Capt. & A.A.A.G.
Nashville Tenn


In compliance with Circular No 13 A.C.O. dated Nashville Tenn. October 10th 1867. I have the honor to report the Amount of back pay and bounty paid through this Office during the Month March 1868, as follows:

[[8 columned table]]
| No | Name of Claimant | Rank | Co | Regt. | Amount of Certificate $ cts | Notarial fees Atty fees advances | Amount Paid Claimant $ cts |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |

| 1 | Hugh Williams | Pri | C. | 1st U.S.C.A.(H)| 300 - | 11.50 | 288.50 | 
| 2 | Sarah Hutchens (widow) William Hutchens | Landman |   | Maag | 33.07 | 3.00 | 30.07 |
| 3 | Major Gunn | Pri | E. | 1st U.S.C.A.(H)| 200 - | 11.50 | 188.50 |
| 4 | Jack Smith | Mrs | D. | 1st U.S.C.A.(H)| 300 - | 11.50 | 288.50 |
|   |   |   |   |   | $833.07 | $37.50 | $795.57 |

I Certify that the foregoing statement is correct
James M. Johnson
Sub. Asst Comr